Goat Hills May 2021

 Tuesday 4 May 2021

The area above the Goat Fire Trail was originally cleared during 2004-2005 with a follow up in 2010. Over the last year, in particular, a considerable number of new Spanish Heath plants have grown and were our objective today. Some plants were developing flower heads and others were very small. We managed to remove the bulk of those in the upper part of the area, where what seemed like the original bush commenced. Many could be pulled out, but others required cutting then applying herbicide.

Having a lift to and from Goat Hills with Mike from Glenorchy City Council and Ben from Wellington Park Management Trust was greatly appreciated, saving us a 45 minutes or so of walking each way 


Bush at the upper edge of the site

Typical of the bush in the disturbed areas


Greg working in the upper edge of the Erica where it meets what seems like undisturbed bushland.

This is typical of the the patches of Erica

After removing the Erica
