Almost finished

Devils Throne Reroute

Tuesday 20 June 2017
We had the day reserved for another task, but it got done the previous week, which left a free day to do a bit of refinement to the Devils Throne reroute. On the way both there and back we walked on the proposed route from Thark Ridge to the reroute start that avoids the unpleasant boulder field on the existing track.  The three of us concurred that is what a much better option. It took about 30 minutes, but if it was made into a track the time would be not be dissimilar to the existing track. More information on the proposed route is online.

Some additional trimming of low scrub was done and a considerable amount of rock work, both manoeuvring rocks to make passage easier and adding some to the softer bits of the new track. One short scree remains to be done and a short wet area where water drains off the moorland. 

A web site holds details on the Devils Throne site and the work that has gone on there.

Close view of the rock work performed by Greg
