New Town Rivulet

Tuesday 22 March

Weeding for the planting site at New Town Rivulet was put off from 8th to 22nd March because of rain, but unfortunately it was still far from ideal. The forecast was for afternoon showers, but light ones started as we commenced work. Nevertheless, we continued removing weeds until morning break.

Whilst gathering back at the council vehicle, there was a loud cracking sound and we looked up to see a large limb fall from a large Eucalypt, which fortunately was enough distance from us not cause undue concern.

John Gooderham joined us for a waterbug session and brought some chairs that were taken advantage of for morning tea, before being used whilst gathering around the table picking waterbugs from a sample from the rivulet. The session finished a little early as rain commenced.

It is likely that an extra working bee will be scheduled in the near future at New Town Rivulet to clear more weeds before they get larger, such as spurge and mullein.

John collecting waterbugs

The tree limb near the party and vehicle

 For more on the New Town Rivulet site visit this webpage.

