Kalang July 2023

Tuesday 4 July 2023

Friends of Wellington Park, other Bushcare groups and staff from the City of Hobart and Glenorchy City Council converged on the neglected land beside Barossa Creek. It was the land next to the Riding for the Disabled facility. This is the first joint exercise and is land owned by the City of Hobart but within the Glenorchy local government area.

We also had the privilege of hearing from Dr Phil Bell at morning tea about butterflies and the threat to them from invasive wasps. The Eucalypts at the site we learned were ovata a species under threat. The morning tea was very well catered by COH and up a notch from our usual.

As to the weeds, there were lots of Hawthorn and Cotoneaster, plus a number of other weed species. Blackberry heavily infested the area but is so extensive that it would need to be sprayed. The large number of volunteers enabled quite a bit to be done, but lots remain.

 For more information on the work the group has done in this area go to this link.


A big patch of Hawthorn

The same patch after cutting many down, but at ground level it appears as a jumble of cut limbs

The well catered for morning break 

Stephen  making inroads

Greg about to tackle another Hawthorn bush
