Mount Marian

Tuesday 7 January 2025

 We were transported to the start of the Mount Marian track and commenced reclearing any parts of the previously worked on track then began clearing the overgrowing section on the climbing ridge.  PWS officers used hedge trimmers whilst we worked on bigger trackside bushes plus collect the slash.  The work was halted at the 600m mark and the pan is to return in February to go further.   The track is 1425m to the summit, but the upper quarter to a third is more open and won't need as much effort.

Site prior to work

Site after cutting back Orites and other shrubs leaving Bauera for hedge trimmers

Site after hedge trimmers

Uncut section ahead

First cut with hedge trimmer

FOWP cut the Orites bushes and PWS hedge trimmed the Bauera

View to Collins Bonnet and Trestle Mountain


