Collins Bonnet - All Finished

Peter starting the chainsawing of the tree down over the Collins Bonnet track
15 December 2015
The Collins Bonnet track clearing project has now been completed, all within the year. It commenced in March 2015 on the lower 1.1 kilometre section, from the junction with the Collins Cap track, and gradually we worked up the steep slope in June and November with the final bit done on this December day. A terrific effort to be finished in 4 days. Another day was spent (April 2015) above the East West Firetrail rerouting the track to avoid wet, muddy sections.
This final day included cutting through a large tree over the track, and we got a demonstration of how challenging it was to get over when a Hobart Walking Club party arrived and many of the party struggled with the task. Peter from PWS put in a mighty effort cutting through what proved to be a very difficultly aligned trunk. Meanwhile much further up the track the group managed to make a really good job of clearing back the track with all the work finished before a late lunch.
In a year or so we will do a walk through just to keep the track in good order.

Tree sawn through Collins Bonnet Track

Site of the old hut and the end of the track clearing, above this point it is still in good order and doesn't need immediate attention.

Track after cutting December 2015

Lunch time

There is an album which includes a few more photos, click the image below.
Collins Bonnet December 2015
