Thrown Off Course

Thark Ridge

East Ridgeway

On arriving at the Thark Ridge carpark it was soon apparent that there was much more snow and water about than expected.  The track was a rapidly running water course and the snow made it tricky just getting to the first work location.  This was just above a scree where it was hoped some rocks could be deployed to avoid the track getting muddy, but the rocks were all under snow.

After discussing a few options, the decision was to head to East Ridgeway and hand pull Spanish Heath. Three locations on creek crossings had Erica as did another on a low use fire trail, and all seen removed. Finally, we pulled out a patch of small plants at the spot worked on the previous Thursday (see this post) enabling this site to be finished, although no doubt some tiny ones missed.

Snow on Thark Ridge hindering any work

Area where Erica removed


Deep snow drifts - photo Chris Woods

A wet and snowy track. - photo Chris Woods

A Eucalypt leaf-beetle  of the Chrysomelidae species (Paropsisterna vittata) - photo Chris Woods

Weeding the Erica - photo Chris Woods

Converging on the last Ericas - photo Chris Woods


 The photo album is also online.

